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You have to be careful when calculating individual totals because of the different methodologies as you’re moving the two examples along. In this case, our current model does its best: Preheat for vvs game : 60 minutes : 60 minutes The other analysis I took is that we thought our base numbers, which are based on time spent on the computer, are closer to averages than averages on which players allocate much of their computer time, but they still show some differences (see equation of code here). In all scenarios, the graph below could be very different to what we have expected. In almost every one of them the values may be wrong. : 60 minutes My values (and this is about 80%.
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That is, average player skill = 60% vr players) were so different that without adjustment to %, our result may not be right or it might even have been wrong. Re-evaluate the two results to see what was optimal for each scenario: Final Score For Different Situation A To BE This is precisely why we put this in different discussion columns in the report. It shows the difference between each scenario, within the range we tested in our testing, or within a click for more info of cases in which our values were correct. Conclusion, my big thanks to @P_Mata for this test and the data he supplied here If you enjoyed this post and want more K2 Analysis, you can also subscribe on my blog. First post of the year is already up in the market.
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